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Office chair - Chair
black mesh ergohuman chair

We have a great range of chairs and desks for the home office, as more people are opting to work from home, as this uncertain time continues. It’s not a time to put on hold ergonomics. Working from your couch could seem like a great comfortable idea but this could lead to future injuries, including not limited to lower back and neck pain.

We are here to make sure you are set up for pain-free workday at home.

  • Rest your feet flat on the floor.
  • Sit with your hips higher than your knees – a gentle forward slope on your thighs.
  • Balance through both your hips.
  • Lengthen your spine by imagining stretching your head towards the sky. This will help you find your neutral spine position with your natural curves in the lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine.
  • Relax your shoulders.
  • Take a moment to remember how this optimum spine alignment posture feels.
  • To maintain your optimum posture you will need to set your desk height and equipment to suit.
  • Post a note on your computer screen to remind you to maintain your optimum posture through the day.
  • Ensure you have regular activity breaks and postural variations, always returning to your optimum working posture.

Now you have your posture all ready to work from home elevate your home office with these pieces:

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